Corporation of Soldiers od Recumbent Christ

Corporation of Soldiers od Recumbent Christ

Holy Wednesday is the day of the Corporation, one of the occasions to see in a procession the carving of the Holy Recumbent Christ carried on the shoulders by members of the Corporation. Contemplating the passing of the Corporation of Soldiers is to immerse oneself in the beginnings of the...
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Brotherhood of the Holy Chalise of the Last Supper

Brotherhood of the Holy Chalise of the Last Supper

The first appearance of this Brotherhood dates from 1948 and they are most prominent in Palm Sunday afternoon. They have carried important relics such as the skull of Saint Vincent Ferrer in its visit to Valencia during the 5th centenary of his canonization in 1955, and the body of Saint...
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Brotherhood of the Prayer of Jesus in the Garden

Brotherhood of the Prayer of Jesus in the Garden

Founded in 2001, it participated for the first time in the Holy Week in 2002. The throne with The Lord Praying in Gethsemane was blessed in April 2009. The comforting Angel was added in April 2010. The sculptures were carved in Triana, Seville's Old Quarter, by Lourdes Hernandez, who followed...
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Royal Broterhood of Jesus in the Column

Royal Broterhood of Jesus in the Column

The Royal Brotherhood was founded again in 1981. Its main performance takes place on Holy Tuesday in the Procession of the Praetorium, a joint act with the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Ecce-Homo, in which a Special Body of the Spanish military police carries the sculpture on their shoulders. Since...
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Royal Brotherhood of the Flagellation of The Lord

Royal Brotherhood of the Flagellation of The Lord

Ascribed to the Parish of Saint Maria del Mar, it was founded at the beginning of 1927 and stopped appearing on the processions in 1952, after the well-known “Grao Schism”. It was re-established on October 9, 2007, and admitted to the General Assembly in June, 2008. The Presentation Eucharist is...
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Brotherhood of the Crowning of Thorns of Lord Jesus Christ

Brotherhood of the Crowning of Thorns of Lord Jesus Christ

The complete throne is owned by the Brotherhood. The titular sculpture represents the Third Sorrowful Mystery, “The Crowning with Thorns”. This sculpture, the only one in Valencia, is based on the Shroud of Turin and the Shroud of Oviedo, and since the sculptor belongs to the Spanish Centre of Sindonology...
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Brotherhooh of the Most Holy Ecce-Homo

Brotherhooh of the Most Holy Ecce-Homo

The Brotherhood was founded in 1926 by a group of young people belonging to the Guild of Butchers and the youth of the Escalante Society, although it did not take part in the processions until 1928. In 1966, in order to complement the float of the Judgment of the Lord,...
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Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli

Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli

The Brotherhood celebrates the Feast of Jesus of Medinaceli on the first Friday of March, and also takes the titular sculpture to those places that request it, since the devotion to Jesus of Medinaceli is widespread. Another of the singularities of the Brotherhood is its close contact with the Archdiocese...
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Corporation of Praetorians and Penitents

Corporation of Praetorians and Penitents

The Corporation of Praetorians was founded in 1927 by a group of port workers. After a hiatus during the Second Republic and the Civil War, this Corporation was reorganized and started participating again in processions in the Maritime Holy week of 1959. The Section of Penitents was created in 1982...
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Royal Broterhood of Jesus ob te Cross and the Risen Christ

Royal Broterhood of Jesus ob te Cross and the Risen Christ

The Holy Monday Procession stands out among the most important acts of the Royal Brotherhood. Within the Good Friday morning events of the Stations of the Cross (Via Crucis) of the Church of Our Lady of the Angels, the titular sculpture takes part in two significant events: on the one...
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Brotherhood of yhe Holy Encounter

Brotherhood of yhe Holy Encounter

It was founded by the headmasters of Saint Fernando Rey School and Carles Academy, with the collaboration of the headmaster of Enrique Terrasa Public School. Its president, Vicente Gallart Cano, priest of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, was the architect of the idea of founding a School...
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Rotal Broterhood of the Holy Face

Rotal Broterhood of the Holy Face

This Brotherhood was founded in 1924 by young people from the Maritime District. It took part in the procession for the first time on April 8, 1925, carrying a banner by the Valencian painter Juan Belda Morales, who also painted the parchment that was given to King Alfonso XIII in...
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Royal Broterhood of Our Father Jesus The Nazarene

Royal Broterhood of Our Father Jesus The Nazarene

The history of the Brotherhood is divided into two parts: the first part covers from its foundation in 1945 to 1951, during which the company Vda. De Enrique Illueca was the alma mater of the Brotherhood; and the second part covers from 1988 to the present. Holy Tuesday is the...
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Longino’s Corporation

Longino’s Corporation

The main act of the Corporation takes place on Holy Wednesday, at the community premises of the Corporation, with the Arrest of Jesus; Afterwards, the procession walks to the church, where the Lance of Longinus and the death of Jesus are staged. Throughout history, the Corporation has not always taken...
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Broterhood of the Crucifixion of The Lord

Broterhood of the Crucifixion of The Lord

Founded in 1928, this brotherhood participated in the processions until 1931. The first re-founding took place in 1960, although it did not take part in the processions until 1969, and it was dissolved in 1978. The second re-foundation took place in 1995, and it started participating in the Maritime Holy...
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Holy Brotherhood of the Death and Resurreccion of The Lord

Holy Brotherhood of the Death and Resurreccion of The Lord

The first sculpture depicts Jesus of Nazareth riding a donkey and was made in 1967-1968. It was blessed on Palm Sunday April 7, 1968, and took part in the processions with the Children's Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem until 1972. Our Brotherhood, which has owned this sculpture since...
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Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Afflicted

Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Afflicted

El facsímil del Crist dels Afligits, que és patró del Canyamelar i també és conegut com el Crist de les Set Paraules, és obra de Francisco Martinez Aparicio i va ser beneït en 1964. Entre els actes que distingeixen esta Germandat hi ha la Música Gregoriana en la missa del...
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Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ of The Forgiveness

Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ of The Forgiveness

The Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of Forgiveness was founded in 1926 by a group of parishioners, specifically by Pascual Benedito Garrido, Salvador Barber and Alfredo Cot, together with fishermen and former soldiers. Their meeting place was a venue located in Liberty Street. The Brotherhood was re-founded in 1948 by...
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Brotherhoof of the Most Holy Christ of The Saviour

Brotherhoof of the Most Holy Christ of The Saviour

Founded in 1851, it is one of the oldest brotherhoods participating in the Maritime Holy Week of Valencia. The Brotherhood, accompanied by many devotees, take their titular sculpture to the shore of the beach to pray for the deceased on Good Friday morning. Their penitent costume has always been austere....
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Brotherhoof of Tunics of the Holy Christ of the Wise Choice

Brotherhoof of Tunics of the Holy Christ of the Wise Choice

The first titular sculpture was destroyed in 1936, during the Spanish Civil War. The Brotherhood stopped taking part in the processions during the war and started participating again in 1940, this time uninterrupted, to the present day. In 1946 the sculptural group that accompanies the Christ in the Parish was...
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Pontifical an Royal Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Concord

Pontifical an Royal Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Concord

The origins of the Pontifical and Royal Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Concord date back to the fifteenth century, when it is known that Saint Vincent Ferrer was the prior of the Brotherhood of Concord of the Disciplined of the Grao district in Valencia. However, it seems that...
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Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ the Saviour and Protection

Brotherhood of The Most Holy Christ the Saviour and Protection

The Brotherhood took part for the first time in the procession on Palm Sunday in 1944. Its titular sculpture unites the devotion to Christ the Saviour, venerated in Trinitarios Street, and the devotion to Our Lady of the Defenceless, patroness of Valencia, who was enthroned among staves and banners in...
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Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Palm

Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Palm

The Brotherhood was founded by a group of devoted members of this church, taking as reference the sculpture found in the sacristy of the Church of Saint Maria del Mar. The titular sculpture, dated circa 1680, is likely to be the work of some sculptor of the school of Alonso...
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Brotherhood of the Descending of the Lord

Brotherhood of the Descending of the Lord

The Brotherhood was founded in 1948 by the company Unión Naval de Levante and stopped taking part in the processions due to company problems in 1960. It was re-founded by a group of friends who took over the throne, making new costumes and participating again in the Holy Week. In...
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Brotherhood of the Most Holy Our Lady of Grief

Brotherhood of the Most Holy Our Lady of Grief

On Friday of Sorrows night the kettledrums announce the presence in the streets of the sculpture of Our Lady of Grief accompanied by her Brotherhood. She walks on the shoulder of her carriers, who take her to the seven points where she will be received by moving traditional songs and...
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Brotherhood of the Mercy

Brotherhood of the Mercy

The Brotherhood of Mercy is the result of the effort of a group of young people who decided to fight for the tradition of their Maritime Holy Week. Full of enthusiasm, they undertook the task of creating a large family, thus giving birth to this collective. Its titular image, “The...
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Royal Grenadier’s Guild of the Virgin Solitude

Royal Grenadier’s Guild of the Virgin Solitude

Since the previous one was destroyed during the Civil War, the new sculpture of the Grenadier’s Guild of The Virgin of Solitude was blessed in 1941. In 1968 a new mantle was made and the sculpture was crowned. The Centenary of the Brotherhood was celebrated in 1982. In 2007, on...
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Grenadier’s Guild of Our Lady of Sorrows

Grenadier’s Guild of Our Lady of Sorrows

In 2013 the image of Our Lady of Sorrows was canonically crowned, and the canopy was blessed as well. On the occasion of this act an extraordinary procession was celebrated with the sculpture being carried on the shoulders by her men of throne, in the same way it is done...
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Corporation of the Grenadiers of the Virgin

Corporation of the Grenadiers of the Virgin

The Grenadier’s Guild of The Virgin was founded in 1869, 18 years after the old Hermitage of The Angels was built. It is one of the most historical and outstanding entities of the Maritime Holy Week and presents the peculiarity, within the different Holy Week celebrations in Spain, of showing...
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Brotherhood of the Holy Silence and the True Cross

Brotherhood of the Holy Silence and the True Cross

In 1951 the bishopric of Assisi (Italy) granted the Brotherhood the relic of the “Lignum Crucis” (a fragment of the cross of Jesus Christ), which the entity takes out in procession in all its acts. This relic is placed inside a Cross-shaped reliquary. Depending on the kind of procession, the...
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Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre

Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre

The Brotherhood was founded by Joaquín Casaus, Rafael Terencio and the brothers Ernesto and Ramón Rams. It was dissolved during the Civil War and was re-founded in 1943. The most outstanding aspect of the throne is, without a doubt, the sepulchre, but it is also worth noting the floral ornaments...
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Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València

Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


963 24 07 45