Corporation of Praetorians and Penitents
The Corporation of Praetorians was founded in 1927 by a group of port workers. After a hiatus during the Second Republic and the Civil War, this Corporation was reorganized and started participating again in processions in the Maritime Holy week of 1959. The Section of Penitents was created in 1982...
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Brotherhood of yhe Holy Encounter
It was founded by the headmasters of Saint Fernando Rey School and Carles Academy, with the collaboration of the headmaster of Enrique Terrasa Public School. Its president, Vicente Gallart Cano, priest of the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, was the architect of the idea of founding a School...
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Rotal Broterhood of the Holy Face
This Brotherhood was founded in 1924 by young people from the Maritime District. It took part in the procession for the first time on April 8, 1925, carrying a banner by the Valencian painter Juan Belda Morales, who also painted the parchment that was given to King Alfonso XIII in...
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Broterhood of the Crucifixion of The Lord
Founded in 1928, this brotherhood participated in the processions until 1931. The first re-founding took place in 1960, although it did not take part in the processions until 1969, and it was dissolved in 1978. The second re-foundation took place in 1995, and it started participating in the Maritime Holy...
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Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Afflicted
El facsímil del Crist dels Afligits, que és patró del Canyamelar i també és conegut com el Crist de les Set Paraules, és obra de Francisco Martinez Aparicio i va ser beneït en 1964. Entre els actes que distingeixen esta Germandat hi ha la Música Gregoriana en la missa del...
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Brotherhoof of Tunics of the Holy Christ of the Wise Choice
The first titular sculpture was destroyed in 1936, during the Spanish Civil War. The Brotherhood stopped taking part in the processions during the war and started participating again in 1940, this time uninterrupted, to the present day. In 1946 the sculptural group that accompanies the Christ in the Parish was...
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Brotherhood of the Descending of the Lord
The Brotherhood was founded in 1948 by the company Unión Naval de Levante and stopped taking part in the processions due to company problems in 1960. It was re-founded by a group of friends who took over the throne, making new costumes and participating again in the Holy Week. In...
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Royal Grenadier’s Guild of the Virgin Solitude
Since the previous one was destroyed during the Civil War, the new sculpture of the Grenadier’s Guild of The Virgin of Solitude was blessed in 1941. In 1968 a new mantle was made and the sculpture was crowned. The Centenary of the Brotherhood was celebrated in 1982. In 2007, on...
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Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre
The Brotherhood was founded by Joaquín Casaus, Rafael Terencio and the brothers Ernesto and Ramón Rams. It was dissolved during the Civil War and was re-founded in 1943. The most outstanding aspect of the throne is, without a doubt, the sepulchre, but it is also worth noting the floral ornaments...
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Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València
Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
963 24 07 45