The General Assembly of the Semana Santa Marinera de València has ratified Carles Genís as the new president of the Junta Mayor. It did it last Tuesday, June 14, in a meeting in which the delegates that compose the 31 brotherhoods, confraternities and corporations gave the approval to the only candidacy presented. With 35 years, Genís is the youngest president in the history of this board.
The new Governing Council has like main objectives to be an entity that is completely to the service of the brotherhoods, brotherhoods and corporations; besides promoting the visibility of the Marine Holy Week of València, celebration of National Tourist Interest and second cultural manifestation with more participants of the city of València. To do this, they are committed to the professionalization of communication and management of social networks. “We must create a solid image of the festival, give it the value it deserves without distorting its essence. Communication is essential to face the multitude of challenges ahead. We must adapt to the changes and make our festival a big name,” explains Genís. Through communication, the new Governing Council also aims to get closer to the interests of the youth, giving them a greater voice and prominence to ensure the future of the festival. “It’s important to speak the language of the youth and that’s where social networks come into play. We must make an effort to understand them and open the doors so that it is the youth who take the lead.”
Not in vain, the new government team of the Junta Mayor has experienced a notable rejuvenation in comparison with other previous legislatures being Carles Genís the youngest president in the history of the Junta Mayor de la Semana Santa Marinera de València. In addition, in his team he counts on little known faces of the celebration and young people “with many desire to work and, the most important thing, with great illusion”. According to Genís, “having new people never seen before in a governing council allows us to have a fresh and renewed vision. We need current ideas that go in consonance with the values that the Marine Holy Week represents. The youth, linked also to the experience of great personalities of our Holy Week, will manage to make shine to our dear Celebration”.
On the other hand, another of the issues that the new board wants to emphasize is to work on the new needs and changes of the Poblados Marítimos of the city. During the last years, the Maritime District of València has received the visit of new neighbors coming from other cities and countries that do not know the character of the Maritime Holy Week of València. “We must explain to the new neighbors how our festival is, make them participate and get them to enjoy it, while we continue to maintain the complicity and support of the usual neighbors. In this way, we will be able to transmit the social and religious commitment of our Easter, so particular and unique”, adds the new president. “To do this, we need to breathe Semana Santa Marinera de València 365 days a year through events that add value, not only to our festival but also to the Poblados Marítimos and the city of Valencia as a whole.”
The theme of solidarity is also very present in the program of the new council. In this way, a delegation has been constituted that – as they explain – will work to mark a solid strategy and to obtain this way to unite forces in a solidary project in common with the rest of entities that are part of the Junta Mayor de la Semana Santa Marinera de València. “We must maintain a great social commitment, giving support and collaborating with entities that work throughout the year to end social inequalities,” continues Genís.
With regard to the processional events, the Semana Santa Marinera de València has had this year with novelties in its programming. The interparochial blessing of Palm Sunday and the end of the Holy Burial surprised penitents and neighborhood. Both events have been well received and seem to have come to stay. However, Genís explains that they still have “a great potential for improvement and we want to start working to make next year even more spectacular if possible. We are going to meet with the representatives of the different Parish Boards so that all and all to one we look towards a prosperous future for our Holy Week. For it is indispensable to unite forces and we are ready to listen to everybody that has a proposal of improvement”.
In short, the new Council of Government of the Major Meeting of the Marine Holy Week of València comes “stepping strong and with many desires to work for and for our great celebration”. Due to the modifications of the statutes that this board has experienced recently, they will no longer be three but four years that this government team has ahead to achieve its purposes.