Holy Wednesday is the day of the Corporation, one of the occasions to see in a procession the carving of the Holy Recumbent Christ carried on the shoulders by members of the Corporation. Contemplating the passing of the Corporation of Soldiers is to immerse oneself in the beginnings of the Maritime Holy Week of Valencia, whose first written references already mention them. They did not initially wear the current uniform of crusader warriors. The flag in which the inscription “S. P. Q. R.” is still present attests that in its beginnings the members of this Corporation dressed as Roman soldiers.
On Easter Sunday, the Corporation and the Brotherhood of the Most Holy Our Lady of Grief perform the Holy Encounter, whose great attraction is that it is carried out with biblical characters, specifically those represented by the Sorrowful Virgin and the Christ Child. This is the only Encounter play that is still performed by biblical characters, as it has been traditional since the beginning of the Maritime Holy Week.