The winners of the Nativity Scene Competition of the Semana Santa Marinera have already been announced.
20 December 2022

News -> The winners of the Nativity Scene Competition of the Semana Santa Marinera have already been announced.

The Semana Santa Marinera is experiencing a very intense Advent period. This Sunday a Christmas Concert was held, offered by the Santa Cecilia Band, from Grao, and the prizes for the Christmas crib and postcard competitions were awarded.

The Christmas Concert organised by the Junta Mayor de la Semana Santa Marinera put the finishing touch to the Christmas prize-giving. The Santa Cecilia Band, from El Grao, delighted the audience with different pieces, before giving way to the prize-giving ceremony for the Christmas card and crib competitions, in the Parish Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario, in Canyamelar.

As for the nativity scene competition, organised by the Junta Mayor de la Semana Santa Marinera, the jury, made up of José Vicente Ros, Juan José Serrano and Gorka Rubio, from the association of nativity scene makers of Valencia, awarded the following prizes:

Original mode up to 2 square metres:

-Accesit: Real Hermandad de Jesús con la Cruz y Cristo Resucitado.

-2nd Prize: Hermandad de Vestas del Santísimo Buen Acierto.

-1st Prize: Real Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno.

Classic mode up to 2 square metres:

-Accesit: Hermandad del Santo Encuentro.

-2nd Prize: Hermandad del Santísimo Cristo del Perdón.

-1st Prize: Real Cofradía de Jesús en la Columna.

Original modality of more than 2 square metres:

-Accesit: Germandat de la Coronació d’Espines del Nostre Senyor Jesucrist.

-2nd Prize: Corporación de Longinos.

-1st Prize: Hermandad de la Misericordia.

Classic modality of more than 2 square metres:

-Accesit: Pontificia y Real Hermandad del Santísimo Cristo de la Concordia.

-2nd Prize: Corporació de Granaders de la Verge.

-1st Prize: Cofradía de Granaderos de la Santísima Virgen Coronada.

The nativity scenes can be visited in the premises of the confraternities and brotherhoods during the Christmas holidays.

Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València

Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


963 24 07 45