Emotive proclamation of Rafael Company to open the Semana Santa Marinera
26 March 2022

News -> Emotive proclamation of Rafael Company to open the Semana Santa Marinera

The acts that announce the imminent arrival of the Semana Santa Marinera begin their real countdown with the presentation of the proclamation, a position that this year has fallen to D. Rafael Company i Mateo, born in the Cabanyal and director of the Museu Valencià de la Il-lustració i de la Modernitat (MUVIM).

Company was appointed pregonero of the Semana Santa Marinera for the year 2020 by the Governing Council, but due to the impossibility of carrying it out because of the pandemic of covid, the Junta Mayor wanted that finally in 2022 he could read an emotional proclamation.

During the two previous years, the director of the MUVIM collaborated with the Major Meeting to offer a virtual presentation of the arrival of the Semana Santa Marinera, although this one could not be celebrated in the streets. In this month of February of 2022, with the more favorable conjuncture after overcoming the most serious problems of the pandemic, D. Rafael Company could read the proclamation that announces the great celebration of the Maritime.

The Church of Our Lady of the Angels hosted the celebration of an event in which the Deputy Mayoress of the City of Valencia, Sandra Gomez, as well as representatives of all political groups of the consistory. The presence of representatives of the Maritime Authority and the Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia, D. Arturo Ros, completed the event. D. Arturo Ros completed the capacity of the parish of Cabanyal also occupied by representatives of the brotherhoods, brotherhoods and corporations of the Semana Santa Marinera.

The image of the Santísimo Cristo de la Concordia presided over an emotional act with a proclamation that gathered personal and popular anecdotes, history, esteem for the seafaring people, memories and even an ironic portrait of difficult moments lived by the Fiesta Grande del Marítimo, “la nostra festa” as D. Rafael Company said.

Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València

Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)

Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.


963 24 07 45