Royal Brotherhood of the Flagellation of The Lord
Ascribed to the Parish of Saint Maria del Mar, it was founded at the beginning of 1927 and stopped appearing on the processions in 1952, after the well-known “Grao Schism”. It was re-established on October 9, 2007, and admitted to the General Assembly in June, 2008. The Presentation Eucharist is...
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Brotherhood of Jesus of Medinaceli
The Brotherhood celebrates the Feast of Jesus of Medinaceli on the first Friday of March, and also takes the titular sculpture to those places that request it, since the devotion to Jesus of Medinaceli is widespread. Another of the singularities of the Brotherhood is its close contact with the Archdiocese...
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Royal Broterhood of Our Father Jesus The Nazarene
The history of the Brotherhood is divided into two parts: the first part covers from its foundation in 1945 to 1951, during which the company Vda. De Enrique Illueca was the alma mater of the Brotherhood; and the second part covers from 1988 to the present. Holy Tuesday is the...
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Pontifical an Royal Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Concord
The origins of the Pontifical and Royal Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of Concord date back to the fifteenth century, when it is known that Saint Vincent Ferrer was the prior of the Brotherhood of Concord of the Disciplined of the Grao district in Valencia. However, it seems that...
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Brotherhood of the Most Holy Christ of the Palm
The Brotherhood was founded by a group of devoted members of this church, taking as reference the sculpture found in the sacristy of the Church of Saint Maria del Mar. The titular sculpture, dated circa 1680, is likely to be the work of some sculptor of the school of Alonso...
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Grenadier’s Guild of Our Lady of Sorrows
In 2013 the image of Our Lady of Sorrows was canonically crowned, and the canopy was blessed as well. On the occasion of this act an extraordinary procession was celebrated with the sculpture being carried on the shoulders by her men of throne, in the same way it is done...
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Offices of the Junta Mayor Semana Santa Marinera de València
Cl. Rosario, 3 | 46011 Valencia (España)
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
963 24 07 45